Laura Morgan in Vashistasanana |
| Laura Morgan Yoga
What is yoga?
Yoga (a Sanskrit word from ancient India) means, to unite.
Yoga is a classical Indian science that balances the body, mind, and soul creating inner harmony that can then be radiated out into the world as each practitioner sees fit.
Yoga is beneficial for everyone regardless of age, health, circumstances of life, or religion.
Why do yoga?
The body: Yoga reduces stress and creates a healthy, fit, and youthful physique. Through asanas (physical postures), yoga develops a balance of strength and flexibility, creating energy, vitality, and an enhanced quality of life. Yoga can bring relief to injuries and ailments that other forms of exercise will only aggravate. I myself became motivated to pursue yoga when back problems were keeping me from enjoying dance as well as causing daily pain. When we feel good on a physical level, it is much easier to find the joy in daily living.
The mind: Through pranayama (enhanced and controlled breathing), yoga develops clarity of the mind and the ability to focus. Unnecessary and unproductive thoughts are washed away by prana (neutral life force energy) with every breath. Having a clear mind can bring perspective and insight into our daily tasks and decisions. The yogic breathing techniques can also help balance the emotions, so we can remain centered as life's challenges come our way.
The spirit: Through asana and pranayama, the yoga practitioner begins to experience moments of great inner peace. This is where I find that the magic of yoga begins to shine. From a place of inner peace we can begin to hear our own spiritual voice, our own guide within, bringing to light the dreams and desires that will truly be inspiring and lead us to a harmonious life. From the simplicity of a consistent yoga practice we can dive as deeply into the beauty of the soul as we so desire.
"Do your yoga practice and all is coming." (Shri K. Pattabhi Jois of Mysore, India)